Pre-Purchase Exam
Before buying a horse, it is a good idea to perform a pre-purchase exam.
Why perform a pre-purchase exam?
The goal of a pre-purchase is to help determine if the horse is suitable for the task it is intended. The pre-purchase exam will need to be tailored for each client and each horse. The information gained while doing a pre-purchase will help minimize the risk taken while purchasing a new horse.
What does the exam entail?
The pre-purchase exam will consist of a thorough history, physical exam, lameness exam, and flexion tests. Additional diagnostics will increase the information gathered for the client to be able to make the best decision. These additional diagnostics may include radiographs, ultrasound, blood work and drug testing.
What to consider
No horse is perfect and there is no pass or fail, we just want to verify if all the parts are working correctly. The difficult part of the pre-purchase is that it will not guarantee the future soundness of the horse it is just showing us a picture in time.