Acupuncture is the use of needles placed at very specific points within the body to activate a cascade of neurological and chemical reactions to alleviate pain and promote healing.
- Acupuncture Dry Needle: This is the use of the typical “Chinese” or acupuncture needle. Dry needling is the technique of placing sterile needles into predetermined acupoints.
- Aquapuncture: This technique is similar to dry needling but involves infusing sterile saline or vitamin B12directly into the acupoints.
- Acupuncture w/ electrical stimulation: This procedure involves attaching electrodes to the acupuncture needles and applying a pulsating electrical current to them. Stimulation can be achieved by varying the frequency, intensity and type of electronic pulse used on the acupuncture points.
- Acupuncture adjunct: This is the use of 2-3 needles, usually to assist in a chiropractic adjustment.
- Moxibustion: This involves the burning of an herb (moxa/mugwort) and safe use of heat either on an acupuncture point or over the skin at an acupuncture point in order to stimulate that point.